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Proper Posture At Work

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What is Chair Massage?

Chair massage is a quick and inexpensive type of massage carried out by a massage therapist on a chair specifically designed for massage. Its duration ranges from about 5 to 30 minutes and is done with the customer having his or her clothes on.

Chair massage focuses majorly on the key tension areas of the body such as the shoulder, neck, arms, upper and lower back. And the good thing about it is that it can be done anywhere and at any time.

One of the extreme environments where chair massage services are needed and requested for mostly is at workplaces.

You might be wondering why that is so. Well, it is since chair massage serves as an avenue for workers to ease themselves off the different forms of stress undergone at work, therefore improving the ease at which they work.

It helps workers retain a calm state of mind, focus, and general productivity.

Due to the productive results generated from chair massage in workplaces, it is being incorporated by many businesses to bring out the best in both employers and employees. Companies like; Boeing, Google and many more have it included in their fitness and wellness schemes for workers.

A few benefits of chair massage at workplaces are listed below;

  1. Stress reduction
  2. Reduction of anxiety
  3. Improvement of overall job performance
  4. Facilitates creative thinking among workers

Workplace Ergonomics: Chair Massage as Relating To Proper Sitting Posture at Work

One of the significant ways through which chair massage increases productivity in workplaces is by improving the sitting posture of workers.

Posture deals with the structure of how the muscles and bones in the body are aligned. It can most times affect the appearance, health and even performance of the body either positively or negatively.

For those whose jobs require them having to be seated at desks for a long duration of time, the importance of having the right seating posture cannot be overemphasised.

Having a bad sitting posture does more harm than good to the body. It deforms the shape of the spinal cord, therefore leading to neck pain, back pain, and other severe complications with time. With all these, the performance, functionality and productivity level of a worker would be very much negatively affected.

Chair massage helps improve the sitting posture of workers by;

  1. Relaxing tense muscles
  2. Reducing pain in key tension areas of the body such as the shoulder, neck, arms, upper and lower back.

woman with neck pain for not having a proper sitting at work

Workplace Ergonomics: Tips on How to Improve Your Sitting Posture at Work All by Yourself

Without having to go through a chair massage session or any other type of massage, there are some basic ethics you can make use of to improve your sitting posture at work.

  1. Ensure your computer monitor is kept at eye level, so you don’t always have to tilt your head while working.
  2. Make sure your shoulders are pulled back to relax, and your back lies vertically flat on the chair.
  3. Take a break at regular intervals, so as to get involved in a couple of movements and standing stretches. This would enhance flexibility in your muscles and bones.
  4. Get involved in sitting stretches as well.
  5. Avoid crossing your legs or ankles, instead ensure your feet are rested flat on the floor at all times. Adjust your chair’s height if it’s needed for your feet to be rested flat on the floor.
  6. Make use of ergonomic supports (such a chair lumbar support, document holders, keyboard arms and many more) is found to be necessary.
  7. Keep at arm’s length the materials and equipment you make use of most often.
  8. Ensure that while sitting on your chair, you are not far from the desk.
  9. Also, create space for free hands and legs movements while sitting.

Having a good sitting posture while at work is very necessary, but it doesn’t and shouldn’t end there. Ensure you are conscious of having a good sitting posture anywhere and everywhere you find yourself.

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