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Living with Arthritis and How Massage Therapy Can Help

Arthritis is a fairly general term that’s used to describe the pain, swelling and stiffness that someone experiences in their joints, muscles and tissues on an everyday basis. Unfortunately, there is no cure and it is difficult for professionals to pinpoint what causes it – genetics, obesity, lifestyle, who knows?  There are hundreds of types of arthritis because it affects each person differently, but they all have a few things in common: pain, inflammation and stiffness in a persons’ joints, as joints stiffen their ability to move becomes restricted, and it almost always causes a diminished quality of life.

It is uncommon nowadays to not know someone that is living their life with arthritis as about 1 in 5 Canadians live with this condition every day.  The Arthritis Society of Canada has​    some shocking statistics on the nearly 6 million Canadians that are affected by arthritis today and it’s projected that these numbers will double in the next few decades as the population gets older. Currently, about 50% of Canadians over 65 are suffering from the aches and pains of arthritis. 

Because there is no cure, it is important for those who suffer to find solutions to allow them to be as pain-free in their daily lives as possible.  Treatment options tend to vary depending on the specific person and type of arthritis, but most involve some form of physical therapy, medication to help with pain and inflammation, and lifestyle changes to help keep your joints and muscles moving.  It was once believed that immobilizing the arthritic joint with wraps and splits would help reduce the pain, but because of today’s research, we now know that it is better to keep joints moving and stretched and work to keep strength in the muscles surrounding the affected area.

Modern medicine has shown us that movement and the strengthening of joints will help improve the quality of life of someone who suffers from arthritis.  This is where massage therapy becomes a great option as a source of treatment.  A quality massage is a drug-free way to help reduce pain because it helps reduce the inflammation of muscles that surround arthritic areas and helps create better circulation and enhanced blood flow.  It also helps you sleep better, which will give your body the time it needs to repair itself. 

The other benefits of massage therapy can also help for pain and an improved daily life because it helps boost energy, releases endorphins and can enhance your mood, enhances your immune system, and it improves flexibility.  All these incredible benefits from 30-90 minutes on a massage table are much better for your body than pumping it full of drugs to cope with the everyday pain of arthritis.  Talk to your RMT today about how massage therapy can be an asset in preventing and assisting with pain and keeping you on your feet and moving for as long as possible.

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