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Shoulder stretches can make the difference

The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in our body but also the site of common injuries and pain. Structures such as tendons, nerves and ligaments are responsible for allowing your arms to have the greatest range of motion. 

 These structures not only help to protect the shoulder joint. Also allow your arms to move in all different directions, and they stop your arm from dislocating when picking up heavy objects. Muscles group on this area will enable you to scratch that itchy spot in the middle of your back, and it is what lets you sort through the clothing rack to find the perfect outfit.  

Stretch to Strengthen Your Shoulders

The best way to get ahead of pain caused by wear and tear over time is to stretch your shoulders and strengthen the muscles. Shoulder stretches will help to loosen tightness that you may have. Help to increase your range of motions, improve flexibility and posture, and allow you to move your arms much smoother with comfort and ease. Keep in mind that when doing stretches, use slow and controlled movements and only stretch as far as your body is comfortable. Stretch more, and your body will allow you to do more, but the goal is to do it without causing pain or discomfort. Here are two great shoulder stretches that can help to keep your shoulders at their best.

Where is the shoulder pain coming from?

Because of its primary range of motion and how much you use it every day, the shoulder faces widespread injuries and significant wear and tear over time. Shoulder pain comes from things like having improper posture, working over a computer or desk for a long time, carrying heavy bags. As well as holding your phone to your ear for long periods. 


Fortunately, these aches and pains can be helped at home with shoulder stretches, heat therapy, and some pain medication. However, there are more severe shoulder issues that stretching exercises will not fix and should require medical attention.



Repetitive movements are one of the main reasons for rotator cuff tendinitis, bursitis. The damaged tissue can become inflamed, swollen, and very painful but usually heals on its own. 

  •  Try to rest that area as much as possible. 
  •  Do not work it through the pain because it could make it worse. 
  •  Use Ice massage for 15 mins to decrease swelling and muscle spasm.

Arthritis and joint pain

When talking about the shoulder, we can call it “wear and tear” arthritis from constant use and movement. Arthritis affects your joints majorly since most pain comes from swelling in the joints and stiffness. 

  •  Keep your shoulder joints on the move.
  •  Do mild shoulder stretches daily and know your limits overall.
  •  Manage weight, Overweight can cause joint pain and stiffness.


When the arm bone slips partially or entirely out of the shoulder socket, it is ‘dislocated.’ It can be excruciating when this happens and is often a sports injury or severe accident and falls from heights.

  • A medical professional will ‘pop’ the shoulder back into the socket, and with proper medication, physical therapy and shoulder exercises, the joint will regain most of its strength.
  • Applying ice packs on the affected shoulder decreases inflammation and pain.
  • Immobilize it and have your arm in a rest position.


Fractures and broken bones

Most splits and breaks involve the collarbone, the shoulder blade, and the upper arm bone. Often happens from sports injuries and motor vehicle accidents. It can cause severe pain, swelling and bruising. Treatment for fractures is generally ice and immobilization of the shoulder to give it time to heal, often taking 3-4 weeks to recover fully.

  •  When surgery is not required, it recommendable to use a sling immobilizer for 3 or 4 weeks.
  • Be ready to adjust the way you sleep since you might not be able to lay in bed comfortably. 
  • Your physician or physical therapist will let you know when it is safe to start a shoulder exercise and stretch program.

How to do shoulder stretch?

how to do the best shoulder stretches

Bring your left arm across your chest and bend the right arm to support it. Slowly pull your left arm to perform the shoulder stretches, hold this for up to 1 min, do 3 to 5 repetitions.

how to performance shoulder stretches

Reach straight up to the sky, folding your right arm at the elbow. Use your left hand to support it and slowly pull the elbow towards your head. Hold up 1 min and repeat the with the other arm doing 3 to 5 times per side.

Getting to the bottom of Shoulder Pain

When it comes to shoulder pain and injuries, treatment depends on the severity of the damage. You should immediately avoid overexertion and try not to lift heavy objects. Perform slow, controlled shoulder stretches and exercise, and if you need, take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication. Should you be experiencing more severe pain, head to a doctor to get it checked out. Medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, or CTs scans, can be requested by your doctor the damage to the ligaments, tendons, and bones that make up the shoulder. The doctor may prescribe medication to help reduce pain and inflammation, injections with numbing medicine or steroids, or even surgery if it is severe enough.