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Neck stretches


The neck consists of several structures like the nerves, vertebras, arteries, and more. The muscles that surround your neck are responsible for moving your head in different directions and positions. 

They also move your shoulder blades, which support the weight of your head and your arms. However, the size and flexibility of muscles make them prone to injuries. It is a common area for pain, stiffness, and irritation. When your neck hurts, you want immediate relief as the pain can be a bit uncomfortable. Some simple neck stretches do justice in easing neck pain.

“A Pain in The Neck”

The saying “a pain in the neck” can be literal when you have neck pain. We often forget how fragile how the neck can be. Neck muscles, joints, and vertebrae are some of the most frequently injured parts of the body due to their body and exposure location. Most common neck pain and injuries result from our daily habits like static positions while watching TV, reading a book, on computer or phone.

Bad postures, whiplash, car crashes, or diseases like rheumatoid arthritis also causes neck pain and injuries. Sleeping in a wrong position is a straight ticket to getting neck pain. It is advisable not to take neck pain lightly. Neck pain can be felt in the shoulders and arms.

There are many ways to alleviate neck pain. They include neck stretches, exercises to massage therapy, physical therapy, or heat and cold therapy. Always consult your doctor or a professional massage therapist if you have injured your neck or have persistent or severe neck pain.

Stretch Those Knots Out of There

The benefit of exercise can never be over-emphasized; it is crucial to exercise, stretch, and strengthen your neck and shoulder muscles to function at their maximum potential. The goal of doing neck stretches is to increase the range of motion in the neck muscles and increase the blood flow and circulation from the heart to the brain. Neck stretches also help speed up recovery and reduce painful spasms that may come from sprained or stiffened neck muscles. 

Damage to the lower part of the neck can lead to neck pain in the shoulders and arms and result in a restricted range of motion. Aerobic exercises like swimming and running can help increase the blood flow to muscles and soft tissues in the neck. These exercises will loosen the muscles, filter out toxins, and release endorphins that act as the body’s natural painkillers. 

How to Make Neck Stretches Yourself 

You can also gentle neck stretches yourself that can help elongate your muscles and release tension in your throat. It is important not to push your neck too far or too fast. It’s best to hold stretches with low intensity for 15-30 seconds and then slowly release the stretch and move to your starting position. You can repeat these steps four times for effective results.

Some neck stretches may feel uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t feel painful. It is not a race, so use slow and controlled movements. Take a look at two examples of neck stretches that can be done by anyone. Stretch anywhere you can stand and extend your arms. Consult your doctor or massage therapist about some other times that can help relieve pain.

Let an RMT Fix It

If we take proper care of our neck and are cautious with our movements, our neck should quickly move in all directions. With proper care, we’ll have no pain or inflammations to our neck. Also, we’ll have increased blood flow to and from the brain. With massage therapy, you have nothing to worry about. Massage therapy can help improve the muscle’s functions and help loosen your neck and surrounding area muscles. 

Mostly, massage therapists target the shoulder and back muscles when dealing with neck injuries. All the muscle groups are connected in making the body run smoothly. A good massage should be able to help relieve neck pain and stiffness. A Swedish massage is often recommended for this as it helps relax the muscles. A deep tissue massage focus on the pain in deep layers of muscles and connective tissues. 

Other Ways to Tackle Neck Pain

You can do several things at home or in your office that can help alleviate your neck pain and stiffness. Physical therapists like massage therapists can help get to the root of the problem that you are experiencing. Whether it is a pain from neck muscles and tissues, joints, or old injuries. 

It is highly recommended that you take regular breaks or rest from activities that can cause discomfort. And use a muscle cream or rub to help relax tight muscles. Hot and cold therapy is also a useful treatment tool. Even having the right pillow can change the neck pain game. The neck is important enough to be worth spending the time and care to have its best condition.