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Craniosacral Therapy

registered massage therapist performing Craniosacral Therapy for chronic pain in halifax

Chronic Pain Reliever

Craniosacral therapy is a perfect therapy for anyone who experiences chronic pain or tension in regards to parts of their cranial bones. This light-touch therapy uses gentle, careful techniques that target the spinal cord, cranial bones and its fluids.
Different types of chronic pain that you might experience can be relieved without the need for serious medical procedures, problems such as joint pain, tension in the neck, headaches, chronic pain, fatigue and a variety of others can all be relieved after a few treatments of craniosacral therapy.
Every type of massage therapy has a particular focus, which is directed towards healing or improving body functions.

Craniosacral therapy practitioners apply gentle touches to these soft tissues, to release restrictions and relieve other types of chronic pain whatsoever caused in them. Craniosacral therapy is used to treat a wide range of conditions from knots and muscles tension to medically related issues involving mental or emotional disorders.

Some of the conditions craniosacral therapy is used to treat are:

What is the central Nervous System?

The Central Nervous System comprises of the two most important structures in the human body apart from the heart. These structures are:

  • The Brain
  • The Spinal Cord

We can best describe the Central Nervous System as the central command centre of the human body. And it is responsible for the well being and proper functioning of the body through the brain and spinal cord.

The importance and functions of the brain and the spinal cord to the human body cannot be overemphasized. The brain controls the human’s thoughts, body movements, speech and also coordination of other organs in the body. The spinal cord is connected to the brain and transmits information from different parts of the body into the brain, and from the brain back.

How does Craniosacral Therapy Works?

The central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) is surrounded by the craniosacral system, which comprises of membranes and fluids that protect, nourish and cleanse it. It can be said that the craniosacral system is as vital as the central nervous system. It ensures that the brain and spinal cord stay healthy and function as they ought to by circulating both blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to them. (cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain and spinal cord from trauma)

The craniosacral system is also surrounded by soft tissues which should be free of restrictions. The presence of restrictions in the soft tissues distorts the membranes that enclose the central nervous system, leading to disruption in the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid to the layers (this would bring about chronic pain and disorder in specific parts of the body).

Craniosacral therapy brings about an increase in the ability of the body to self-correct and heal itself from head to toe, and also from inside out.

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